ࡱ> RUQa P!bjbj 86xEbxEb6d d 8,$P43^(<0 m3o3o3o3o3o3o3$L693<<<343<vm3<m3/1ߺOC0Y330309490191<<<<<<<33<<<3<<<<9<<<<<<<<<d B : Management Report Checklist Monthly expense and revenue reports are emailed to all Banner Finance users from the Financial Services department. The reports are run after the month closes, based on the  HYPERLINK "https://alaska.edu/files/financial-systems/Month-End-Calendar-FY20.pdf" schedule set by SW Financial Systems. Select the payroll tab and change the Data thru LD# field to last payroll included in the cycle. The LD for each cycle can be found on the Management Report Due Date Schedule. Changing the LD # will cause the management report to only project expense from the day after that payroll to the end of the fiscal year. A formula is imbedded in column Q that estimates leave usage that you may find helpful or you can zero out and manually estimate Sick/Annual/Personal leave for those eligible (make sure to use negative numbers). Leave days will decrease automatically throughout the year as the LD#s are changed. Holiday leave will always automatically decrease. Update Payroll tab when changes occur: Add new staff/faculty Update salaries for any grade increases Change stop dates if positions are extended Hours per day Project for any positions that will begin before June 30. Begin with the data tab on the expense and revenue reports. Copy all rows associated with the divisions accounts you reconcile and paste to the management report Web Expense & Web Revenue Summary tabs. Dont copy and paste from the pivoted tab. To clear the detail worksheet of data: (budget, YTD activity, & reservations) Select Alt-F8 and ClearDetailSummary. You will be prompted to enter the last row for which data is to be cleared. Go to the Web Expense Summary worksheet and position the cursor in the row where you want processing to begin (e.g., column A row 3). Select Alt-F8 and TransferExpense. Go to the Web Revenue Summary worksheet and position the cursor in the row where you want processing to begin (e.g., column A row 3). Select Alt-F8 and TransferRevenue. Review the management report tabs and check for correctness! Create balancing formulas at the bottom of the summary page to help in identifying out of balances on your report. NOTE: If there is an error when the macro is running, a message box should pop up indicating what fund/org couldn't be found. Either correct the error or to skip it, position the cursor on the next line to process, hit Alt-F8, and run Transfer Expense or Revenue again. Repeat until the entire spreadsheet has been processed. There will be no dialog box if the macro successfully completes execution. Each time the macro is run, be careful the cursor is positioned on the row that you want processing to begin. Otherwise you may skip some data. It is okay to run the macro multiple times on the same data, the program will simply be re-copying information over itself. Finally, insert all non-personal service projections in the detail tab in column H projected Exp to Year End. Management Report General Information The purpose of the Management Report is to make financial decisions throughout the year based on what has already been spent and what is projected to be spent. The University of Alaskas fiscal year begins July 1 and ends June 30. Benefits include: Calculate excess budget available for special projects. Balance year-to-date expenses to financial reports; Project potential expenses and revenue to the end of the fiscal year; Catch odd errors and correct them in a timely manner. Personnel Budget The base budget proposal submitted by your unit each year requests budget for personnel based on two factors only: the base salary and the staff benefit expense. Budget is deposited to the org based on the employee working every day of their contract. For a full year contract, this is 2080 hours. However, actual salary expense to your unit during the fiscal year is not charged to your org this way. Your org is not charged for salary on days an employee takes annual, sick, holiday, personal leave or jury duty. These personnel expenses are paid by UA statewide. It would be impossible to estimate how many days leave an employee will take in the next year to request the correct budget for a position, so the budget requested simply assumes the employee works every day. But, and this is a big one, during the fiscal year, your org is charged a regular percentage each pay period to pay for all this leave expense paid by UA statewide. The idea is that the amount charged to your org for leave expense will just about equal the amount not charged to your org for the days your employees are sick or on other leave. It is supposed to average out overall. It is anticipated that employees would take all leave earned each fiscal year. In general what this can mean is: if staff dont take all of their sick and annual leave each year the leave expenses will not be offset and personnel budget will be deficit. In general, individual orgs can be deficit, but the division or college will often keep salary savings. You should never encourage people to take time off to cover a deficit. Other factors that impact actual personnel expenses versus budget are: - an employee leaves and a replacement is not hired immediately. Each day you dont need to pay that employee is sometimes referred to as Salary Savings. - an employee leaves and the position is not replaced. - an employee takes no leave. - an employee leaves and is replaced by an employee at a lower wage. - extended illnesses. For all these reasons, personnel budget almost never equals the actual salary projected for each employee; however, the many factors involved can cause personnel budget to average out over several employees, if not in your unit, perhaps in your division or in the college overall. Estimate Expense Projections for the entire Fiscal Year At the beginning of the fiscal year, you wont know how much expense will be spent in each account code. But you will need to estimate it as closely as possible. Examining expenses from previous fiscal years will help you decide what to project for this year. Previous years expense and revenue information can be found at these sources: Banner Form FGIBDST DSD Q-Menu Subledger Detail Reports Institutional Research website:  HYPERLINK "https://ir-reports.uaa.alaska.edu/Pages/Default.aspx" https://ir-reports.uaa.alaska.edu/Pages/Default.aspx TOAD queries      ! 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