ࡱ> <>;_ *bjbjPP 4.y:<\y:<\*&&4$4 j     $!T$      $Eg  04 $$6$4 $&> d: DETAIL SHEET INSTRUCTIONS The divisions will have approximately 10 days to complete their management reports and submit them to the Budget Office after month end reports post. Financial Systems will distribute to all UAA Banner Finance users the following reports on approximately the 10th of each month; you will be specifically notified if a management report submittal is required. Level 5 expense summary lv5exp = Report lists all expense budget, year to date activity and encumbrances Level 5 revenue summary lv5rev = Report lists all revenue budget and year to date activity The first step at the department level is to review these reports for accuracy and reconcile to the departments soft ledgers. Also look for fund/org mismatches. (UAA fund with another campus or dept org) Detail tab entry instructions: Date: Enter the day, month and year for the reporting month on the extreme upper right section of the Detail Sheet (Example "For the period ending 31-Jan-15 ") Below the Expenditure heading column: Enter the department organization number, fund and account title. (Sample denotes Org/Object & Description) Expenditure section Columns C, E & F: Adjusted Budget, Year to Date Activity and Budget reservations The data for these columns can be updated using the macro installed in the management report template and should balance with the Web Expense Summary totals. Column D: Budget Revision This column is solely for budget transfers between or within your departmental accounts for revisions not yet posted in Banner. If you are moving budget that requires increases in total revenue, or transfer between NCHEMS (program code categories IN/RR/PS), you must reflect the revision in both the expenditure & revenue sections. Budget revisions must be equal amounts on the revenue and expense totals. Column G: Expenditure Adjustment Enter only expenditure corrections for charges to the account in error (journal vouchers or labor transfers in process to other accounts such as restricted accounts). Column H: Projected Exp to Year End Personal services and benefits will transfer automatically from the payroll tab. No entry is required in the personal services or benefits cells. Project by object code, all future expenditure commitments: travel, contractual, commodities, resale (auxiliary accts only), equipment, financial aid, overhead and miscellaneous expenditures. Columns I & J: Total YTD & Projections, and Projected Balance at Year End These columns have formulas and entry is not required. Revenue Section Columns N & P: Adjusted Budget, Year to Date Activity The data for these columns is updated using the macro installed in the management report, it feeds from Web Revenue Summary data. Column O: Budget Revision This column is solely for budget transfers between or within your departmental accounts for revisions not yet posted in Banner. If you are moving budget that requires increases in total, or transfer between NCHEMS (program code categories IN/RR/PS), you must reflect the revision in both the expenditure & revenue sections. Budget revisions must be equal amounts on the revenue and expense totals. Column Q: Revenue Adjustment Enter only corrections for revenue to the account processed in error (journal vouchers or labor transfers in process, to other accounts such as restricted accounts). Column R: Projected to Year End Enter projected additional revenue expected to be received, by revenue source. (Revenue source means if you project revenue from a miscellaneous category, enter the projection on the Detail sheet under Other 93/94/95/98. If your revenue projection is from indirect/overhead recovery enter under Overhead 9802) Columns S & T: Total YTD & Projections, and Projected Balance at Year End: These columns have formulas and entry is not required. Column V: Net Under/Over Budget: This column has a formula and entry is not required. This total identifies the overall picture of how your account stands. If the amount is negative, you projecting a deficit If the amount is positive, you are projecting unspent/unencumbered funds (AHlmnqw} !   ѹѹѪzh[zhhACJOJQJ\aJ"hJ`{hL5CJOJQJ\aJ"hJ`{h>T[5CJOJQJ\aJh??h??CJOJQJaJhJ`{h>T[CJOJQJaJhJ`{hLCJOJQJaJh$ ,CJOJQJaJhw|aCJOJQJaJh??hw|aCJOJQJaJhJ`{h??CJOJQJaJ hJ`{hL0JCJOJQJaJ O P   > D  t u x $[$\$a$gd?? [$\$gd>T[ [$\$gd?? 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