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Data will be cleared from row 5 down to this row number.Enter end of range to clear$H'@ @|k @X 'D B D B <%J'@ @1000 @1900 @2000 @3000 @4000 @4500 @5000 @6000 @7000 @8000 B <,J B <,J B <,J B <,J B <,J LP e'N*There was an error, end of data not found! RA@PT(k  B 'BClearing Revenue Row BX !V(XA@ Now clear the expenses B 'D'B B D B <%J'@ @9100 @9150 @9210 @9600 @9700 @9801 @9802 @9900 @9960 @$Other B <,J B <,J B <,J B <,JkH B 'BClearing Expense Row BX !V(XA@ !V(XDone clearing the data! ZA@PT.<o^ The main routine to transfer data from the expense form to the summary spreadsheets in memory`]If WarningMsg = False Then Exit SubEnd If .$F.6 0$F.: 2$F.< :$`'^ ^A@b.6.:.<ox^ The main routine to transfer data from the revenue form to the summary spreadsheets in memory](If WarningMsg = False Then Exit SubEnd If .$F.6 0$F.: 2$F.< 6$`'^ ^A@f.6.:.<oHO Loop through all the funds/orgs in the Expense worksheet and process each one.& Assumed that FUND starts in column C!@]]]]]]0]p]]]]H]]]]H]]]]H]` :$'D !'j h'lF'nF'p L L+tF L+vF L+xF L+zF L+| L+F L+F L+F L+F L+~F L+ L'' j D Get a line L j L :%J L+r LY First check for a case that we read in a complete chunk of info. If we did, process it!* This section checks for the fund changing$r$  Fund is a number l$r'l4 Initial case$r l e'4/ Found a new number different from current fund$r l e$r'l4. New fund, we already finished processing datak@d8 E Fund is not a number and its not blank, process chunk if we have one$r$Total:$r$Fund 'd'l0 Resetkh$re'k@k8IThis section checks for the org changing, if we finished a chunk of info. $r$  Org is a number n$r'n4 Initial case$r ne'4. Found a new number different from current orgk d  Org is not a number$r'k k k 0 If account title is blank, we completed a chunk$r'kP H  G No completed chunk, add current line's info to collection of the chunk$r$rTotal:$r'p4 Get the programk Process data'$r$Capital Expenditures$rX+tF$rX+tF$rX+t$r$ Commoditiese$rX+vF$rX+vF$rX+v$r$Contractual Servicese$rX+xF$rX+xF$rX+x$r$Miscellaneous Expensese$rX+zF$rX+zF$rX+z$r$Non-Mandatory Transferse$rX+|F$rX+|F$rX+|$r$Personal Services Costse$rX+F$rX+F$rX+$r$Staff Benefitse$rX+F$rX+F$rX+$r$ Student Aide$rX+F$rX+F$rX+$r$Travele$rX+F$rX+F$rX+$r$Items for Resalee$rX+F$rX+F$rX+$r$Mandatory Transferse$rX+~F$rX+~F$rX+~d2Error on Expense - Don't understand account type: $r RA@Pkd , Complete a chunk, process it and start anew' n l '[ Processing l  p  n PROCESS DATA HERE l n p t v x z |     ~  j$J Some kind of error, quit now. Error message should already be displayed.|PkH Reset variables L L+tF L+vF L+xF L+zF L+| L+F L+F L+F L+F L+F L+~ L( Set the new fund or org if there is one$r$ $r l$r'lk$r$Total:e, Erase current fund if we hit a "total" line'lkh$r$ $r n$r'nk d'n0+ Reset org if we finished a chunk each timekO If this line has data in it, we have to process it before incrementing lCurRow$rXkPkHk@ j 'j(o P Loop through all the funds/orgs in the Revenue worksheet and process each one.& Assumed that FUND starts in column C!O This is about equivalent to the ProcesExpense routine, but just puts data into different places.x]]] ]8]P]h]]]]@]]] ]@ ] ] ] ] 6$'D !'j 'lF'nF'p L L+F L+F L+F L+F L+F L+ L+F L+F L+ L'' j D Get a line L j L 6%J L+r LY First check for a case that we read in a complete chunk of info. If we did, process it!* This section checks for the fund changing$r$  Fund is a number l$r'l4 Initial case$r l e'4/ Found a new number different from current fund$r l e$r'l4. New fund, we already finished processing datakd E Fund is not a number and its not blank, process chunk if we have one$r$Total:$r$Fund 'd0'l0 Resetk$re'kkIThis section checks for the org changing, if we finished a chunk of info. $r$  Org is a number n$r'n4 Initial case$r ne'4. Found a new number different from current orgkd Org is not a number$r'khk`kX0 If account title is blank, we completed a chunk$r'k  G No completed chunk, add current line's info to collection of the chunk$r$rTotal:$r'p4 Get the programk0 Process data'$r$ Student Fees$rX+F$rX+$r$Government Appropriationse$rX+F$rX+$r$Aux Ente$rX+F$rX+$r$Indirect Cost Recoverye$rX+F$rX+$r$Inter/Intra Campus Revenuee$rX+F$rX+$r$Other Revenue Sources$r$Other Revenue Sources - Privatee$rX+F$rX+$r$#Sales & Services of Education Dept.e$rX+F$rX+$r$Donations & Endowment Incomee$rX+F$rX+$r$Interest Incomee$rX+F$rX+dh2Error on Revenue - Don't understand account type: $r RA@Pkd , Complete a chunk, process it and start anew' n l '[ Processing l  p  n PROCESS DATA HERE l n p          j$ @ Some kind of error, exit... we already printed an error message|k Reset variables L L+F L+F L+F L+F L+F L+ L+F L+F L+ L( Set the new fund or org if there is one$r$ $r l$r'lkX$r$Total:e, Erase current fund if we hit a "total" line'l$r$r$r$re'lk$r$ $r n$r'nkX$re'n0+ Reset org if we finished a chunk each timekO If this line has data in it, we have to process it before incrementing lCurRow$rkxkpkh j 'jPoH< Returns the last row for the Expense or Revenue worksheets.> Dependent on column G being filled all the way to the bottom!0 G1 %%!'i= Display a message about how to set things up before we begin ] rMake sure you enter a '*' at the end of the code, and position the cursor in the row you want processing to begin. Spreadsheet Converter$P' 'dh 'kX iP E Add the extracted expense information to the management spreadsheet.9 Return true if successful, false if some error occurred. ]]0]H.  nA@ !+Couldn't find on the management worksheet: l  n Near Row: B RA@P'z k  l p$'  +Couldn't find on the management worksheet; l  n Near Row: B RA@P'zP kH 8 Start adding the stuff we know into the row we selected. L L$ L L$   L <,Jd L$   L <,Jk` kX  L L L$ L L$   L <,Jd L$   L <,Jk k  L L L$ L L$   L <,Jd L$   L <,Jkk L L L$x L L$x   L <,Jdh L$x   L <,Jk8k0 L L L$v L L$v   L <,Jd L$v   L <,Jkkx L L L$ L L$   L <,Jd L$   L <,Jkk L L L$t L L$t   L <,Jd@ L$t   L <,Jkk L L L$ L L$   L <,Jd L$   L <,JkXkP L L L$z L$| L$~  L L$z L$| L$~   L <,Jd L$z L$| L$~   L <,JkXkP L'i0E Add the extracted revenue information to the management spreadsheet.9 Return true if successful, false if some error occurred.`]]].  nA@ !+Couldn't find on the management worksheet: l  n Near Row: B RA@P'zk  l p$'  +Couldn't find on the management worksheet; l  n Near Row: B RA@P'z0k(8 Start adding the stuff we know into the row we selected. L L$ L L$  L <,Jdp L$   L <,Jk@k8 L L L$ L L$  L <,Jd L$   L <,Jkk L L L$ L L$  L <,Jd L$   L <,Jk?k? L L L$ L L$  L <,JdH? L$   L <,Jk?k? 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B@k6 ! !k6o6R Looks "up" for the fund in the event that we are restarting on a row with no fund listed.(]]'` !'j j %J$ j 'L L L %J$$ L %J'`: Found a fund, return itz`5 L %J$e: Some non-fund thing, just exit'`z5k5 L 'L4k4i44ֶAttribute VB_Name = "modTransferData" 'H Web revenue/expense tr program, version 1.245Kenrick Mock, 9/ 16/03  Added support for "Othern sources - Pr`ivateo 1/8/02 chang!while loop( inosE V/R^ to <= stead of <H)Cget A last row0's d+caÀ|a shX|nd*tal#Klex JFaPrSEe is a H"to" a>&fund,7recognize4new  BorgSe@!any ques tosAafkjm@uaa.a@Aka.edu@ F Op CompareL T@K' AsAgA-worksh8eetB&dfrom/to PublicnlREVENUEA[SummaryJ EXPENSF T SUMMARYdetailGENERALFUND 104110 ( wsE$As WE7 d 9ClearW ' c$Sub Dd () A_Dim s S0trin@DlRowLoLd.S hws=s(' c' Fir6c"(= 5s*InputBox("P@@rent`ELASTv numb`we you !uld likey }be Abed. a will  L 5 downacth q$ .",x "EAigoc "DIf*" Thenca+ExitMb#REqIfcle+= CLng(s$ W#.< C $/.Cells(A(, 1(!"1000") Or 92345 678$!s3)lkAeS4_%%5_E6_E7MElsBe1l > $0LCbFinidTru`]EqMsg`0 "Twa bn err0or, (rRno u0b!*vbCr0itic1kGoTo (Func$)8b+ 1xcel.ActiveWin2x.Ca^`/GE O+" + CF#))DoEtsW SaHBX32 -5 fD?O4 QO4E121_4 "9`4Y4915Z/92@`X69`0G`08012\:9Left(s, 3,Ҕ4O2ow0B_2#7vG2uJ2hQ` bO(O(aI(vO(' O(SE..$9Donf0ajQ98InPma 7:39mtNogw19SuG c㒰 maТrpoutim qջ1leзmqp spr@memoryzuJ`CdE nd Sub ' Loop through allXe funds/orgs inDExpense worksheet aprocess each one. 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