Approved Abbreviations
Because abbreviations can have different meanings the use of abbreviations should be limited as much as possible in 25Live. The below lists of abbreviations are those that are approved to be used in place of the full name throughout 25Live. Otherwise it is always recommended to spell everything out completely if you have the space and to be careful of the abbreviations you use.
UA Campuses
These are the official University campus abbreviations.
CERC = Chugiak Eagle River Campus
KOC = Kodiak College
KPC = Kenai Peninsula College
MSC = Mat-Su College
PWSC = Prince William Sound College
UA = University of Alaska Statewide
UAA = 花季传媒
UAF = University of Alaska Fairbanks
UAS = University of Alaska Southeast
ASD = Anchorage School District
MOA = Municipality of Anchorage
MSB = Matanuska Susitna Borough
SOA = State of Alaska
VA = Veterans Affairs
US = United States/Federal
This list comes from Facilities which can is the same list for the . If you disagree with a building name or abbreviations then you will need to contact UAA Facilities and Planning in order to get it changed. There is an official process for changing the name of a Building that must be followed. There are a few exceptions to this in order for courses to import from Banner. Below is the official abbreviation and the abbreviation and building name currently used in 25Live and Banner.
ART = ARTS - Fine Arts Building
AVC = AVNC - Aviation Technology Center
CPISB = CPSB - ConocoPhillips Integrated Science Building
CRBE = CEXT - Copper River Basin Extension Center
University Departments
The use of University department abbreviations should only be when there are space limitations. Keep in mind there can be some some that have the same abbreviations. Please note that the Colleges that are also Campuses are listed under UA Campuses
CAS = College of Arts and Sciences
CBPP = College of Business and Public Policy
CoENG = College of Engineering
COH = College of Health
CTC = Community & Technical College
Mat-Su = Matanuska Susitna