Ask an Engineer at UAA - Submit a Question

ask an engineer at uaa title slide

Do you have a question for the Engineers at UAA?

Great! We accept online submissions of filmed questions--just use the information and form below to do so. Additionally, if you have a group of students who are interested in asking questions, contact Nicole Ritzinger and she will work with you to arrange a time to come to your school/organization to assist in filming your questions.

Video Requirements

  • Use a quiet space to record, allowing for clear audio
  • Ensure that the question asker is the only visible person on camera
  • Record the video horizontally, not vertically
  • Follow the formula of:
    • Introducing yourself, using only your first name. IE "Hi, my name is Vicki."
    • Transition into question. IE: "and I have a question for the engineers" or "and I was wondering" etc.
    • State the question.

Next Steps


Have questions? Check FAQs below.



  • Can adults ask questions too?
    Yah, sure! Why not? However, we'll still be keeping our responses targeted at K-12 students, as our ultimate goal is to continue to educate youth about engineering concepts and get them excited about future career opportunities.
  • Can I ask more than one question?
    Certainly! We just ask that you introduce yourself again before each question.
  • How do you determine the order of when they get answered?
    We're communicate with engineering faculty, students, clubs, and alumni regularly, and provide them with updated lists of questions. We record responses as experts are interested and available to respond to your question.
  • I have a whole group of students who want to ask questions. Is there a more efficient way to do this?
    Yes, absolutely! If you have a group of students interested in asking questions, contact Nicole Ritzinger to discuss the possibility of meeting with you and your students in person to record their questions.
  • What kind of questions can I ask?
    We have access to professionals within a variety of industries--Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Geomatics, Mechanical Engineering, and Project Management. You are welcome to ask any type of question, ranging from technical to silly. If the question is too uncomfortable or personal, it is unlikely that we will film and post a response.