UAA TAPESTRY Summer Academy

About Summer Academy

The TAPESTRY Summer Academy is a concentrated employment preparation »¨¼¾´«Ã½ in a group environment for youth that are motivated to find a career path over the summer break from school. The academy focuses on key components of the successful University of Alaska Anchorage UAA TAPESTRY Workforce Credential.

What do students learn?

Job Exploration: online research, activities, and guests students work to discover their career interests, the workplace values and expectations of different careers of interest.

Work Readiness Training: students will have had hands on »¨¼¾´«Ã½, support and instruction in several key areas of work readiness that include professional communication, teamwork, problem solving, interpersonal skills, and disability disclosure.

Work Based Learning Experiences: through internships students will have the opportunity to »¨¼¾´«Ã½ the workplace, practice using skills, and further explore one or more different occupations (up to 40 hours total, to be scheduled over the 4 weeks).


Basic Eligibility

  • 16 –21 years old 
  • Receiving special education or related services under IDEA or 504 at their high school. 
  • Able to attend every instructional day

Who should apply?

  • Meet basic eligibility requirements (above).
  • Attend at least 1 integrated class (up to all integrated classes) in their high school.
  • Interested in either attending college, job corps, vocational school or working after they graduate from high school.
  • Able to independently manage behavior and/or medical needs while on campus.***
  • Have transportation to UAA and other community locations such as job centers (i.e. vehicle, People Mover, Anchor Rides, reliable rides from family and/or friends, bike etc...)

***Please note 100% supervision is not provided

The Tapestry Summer Academy start dates and a detailed schedule will be announced soon.  Students are required to attend all instructional days.  Please check back!

Apply to the Summer Academy

Please click on the button below to apply to the 2020 TAPESTRY Summer Academy that starts on May 11, 2020. We will contact you to set up a time to complete your registration in person. Please call if you have any questions 907-786-6038.

Eligible participants are admitted on a first come basis!