About Us
The Air Force ROTC mission is to develop quality leaders for the Air Force.
The Air Force ROTC Program is designed to recruit, educate and commission officer candidates through college campus programs based on Air Force requirements. Units are located at 145 college and university campuses throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Students from schools near Air Force ROTC host institutions can attend classes through 1,100+ separate crosstown enrollment programs or consortium agreements.
When operations began in July of 2000, the first and only Air Force ROTC (AFROTC) detachment in Alaska embarked with vigor. Despite a lack of uniforms and office furniture, AFROTC class and leadership training for nearly 40 students began in earnest. As cadets gained 花季传媒, they gradually took over day-to-day operations of the cadet wing creating a flourishing environment.
In the summer of 2001, cross-town agreements were made with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Wayland Baptist University, and Alaska Pacific University, allowing their students to join the program. At the same time, AFROTC initiated a new Two-Year Commission Program geared toward university senior and enlisted personnel within two years of graduation. More cadets were recruited in the Two-Year Program than any of the 143 AFROTC detachments, thereby doubling the size of the cadet wing in 2002. In 2011, a minor in National Security Affairs was offered to all graduates of AFROTC. Since its inception, the detachment has continued to mature and is excited and ready to continue producing tomorrow's leaders today. As of May 2016, we have commissioned 127 lieutenants.