2011 Veterans Awareness Week

by Kathleen McCoy  |   

Friday, Nov. 11 is Veterans Day. This year UAA is honoring our veterans with the first ever Veterans Awareness Week, November 4-11. The goal of Veterans Awareness Week is to create a supportive environment for the growing population of veteran and military-affiliated students. The Financial Aid office, the Bookstore, Military Programs, Student Life and Leadership, UAA Advancement, the Alaska Veterans Organization for Women, the Veterans Center, and the Student Veterans of UAA have all collaborated to arrange a week of events to bring awareness to the UAA Community.

Veterans Appreciation Website
Stay on top of events during Veterans Week at UAA by visiting this . Also, find the daily here, and a link to the online gallery honoring student, staff and faculty veterans.

Online gallery honoring student, staff and faculty veterans
Find the full gallery here. Images were first added in 2010 to this gallery; new images submitted in 2011 are now being added. If you are a veteran, please help us tell the story of Veterans at UAA. Submit an active duty digital image to uaa_news@uaa.alaska.edu. Include your rank and branch of service, where you have served, and how you are affliated with UAA today. Thank you for helping to tell the Veterans story at UAA today.

In remembrance of Veterans Day, and to mark the unique occurrence of the date 11/11/11, along with the passing of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, bracelets will be handed out during the week. The bracelets will be yellow silicon with raised letters that reads "UAA Honors 11/11/11." The silicone bracelets are a simple way to show support during Veterans Awareness Week.

Serving Our Military Students at UAA Resource Panel
Friday, Nov. 4, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
LIB 307

A significant percentage of UAA students are active-duty military, veterans or military family members. Come join us for a panel of resource experts to learn what faculty need to know to respond to the special concerns and needs of this important population. Presented by the Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence.

UAA, Veterans and the GI Bill: a Story of Partnership for Over 50 Years
Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1-3 p.m.
UAA Campus Bookstore

Presented by Mel Kalkowski, director of UAA Military Programs Ft. Rich/EAFB.

RESCHEDULED: Native Arts Studio Open House
Wednesday, Nov. 9, Noon-1 p.m.
Engineering Building, TEB2

Come visit the Native Arts Studio, located behind the Engineering Building in TEB2. Artist in residence, Donny Varnell, Haida carver will speak. Hosted by Alaska Native Studies and the Art Department. For more information, call (907) 786-4680.

Veterans Resource Fair
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Student Union

Meet with 20 different community and campus representatives to learn about more opportunities and ways to get involved. The purpose of the resource fair is to help the Veteran and Military student population learn about the many resources available specifically for them. Confirmed booths  include Operation Healing Waters, Operation Healing Hearts, Alaska Therapy Dogs, Wounded Warrior Program, the Veterans Center, The order of the Purple Heart, among other amazing organizations.

CAFE: Serving Our Military Students at UAA, Student Panel
Thursday, Nov. 10, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Rasmuson Hall, room 303

A significant percentage of UAA students are active-duty military, veterans or military family members. Come join us for a military student panel to learn what faculty need to know to respond to the special concerns and needs of this important population. Presented by the Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence.

The panel discussion will cover the questions: What behaviors and attitudes have faculty shown or can faculty show to be the most effective teachers for military students at UAA? And the reverse: What behaviors/attitudes have faculty demonstrated that have been the most problematic for military students at UAA? In other words, what do faculty need to know to be most effective in helping military students succeed at UAA, within the constraints of UAA's policies and procedures?

CANCELLED: Alaska Native Veterans Panel
Thursday, Nov. 10, 6-8 p.m.
LIB 307

National Roll Call, Recognizing Our Fallen Military
Friday, Nov. 11, 8 a.m.-5p.m.
Student Union

On Veterans Day, Nov. 11, UAA will join over 100 campuses from across the country in the National Remembrance Roll Call from 8 a.m. -5 p.m. in the Student Union. This nationwide program is coordinated by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Veterans Knowledge Community to honor our fallen military from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.

Lt. Col. (Ret) Brett Morris, the National Roll Call coordinator, said, "We wanted to rally campus communities across the nation to send a powerful message to the troops currently serving that their peers have not forgotten their sacrifices, or those of the fallen. The reading of individual names is very poignant because it emphasizes the significance of each and every life lost," said Morris, the associate director for veterans affairs at Eastern Kentucky University.

Please consider signing up as a reader for the National Roll Call. We are looking for 90 staff, faculty and students who would be willing to read the names of our fallen military. You would be asked to read approximately 50 names from the podium. We expect your actual time commitment to be approximately 15-20 minutes.

Sign up to be a reader today. Go to .
Consider being part of this historic event at UAA and spend some of your day honoring veterans.

Veterans Day Sale at UAA Campus Bookstore
UAA Campus Bookstore will offer 30 percent off all regular priced clothing to everyone in honor and celebration of Veterans Day on Nov. 11.

Women's Basketball Game v. Minot
Friday, Nov. 11, 7 p.m.
Wells Fargo Sports Complex

It's Veterans Appreciation Night when the Lady Seawolves play Minot. Come honor veterans day and howl for the home team!   

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