Read the latest 'Statewide Voice' for updates on UA Health Plan changes, Title IX and more
by Michelle Saport |
The January issue of Statewide Voice is now available online. to read the latest news and happenings from the UA System. Highlights include:
University of Alaska commences presidential search University to officially designate staff and faculty as responsible employees UA Health Plan changes for FY16 Capitol Report: Jan. 21 and 23 The UA Summit Team continues its work to help shape Alaska's future UA Board of Regents addresses teacher prep, rural education and adopts new policies at its December meeting
Nominate staff for Staff Make Students Count Risk Services selects a new reporting system, Origami Risk 2014 W-2 available in UAOnline Attend the "65 by 2025 - Alaska Can!" Alaska Postsecondary Access and Completion Network Conference UA College Savings Plan announces $25,000 and $2,500 PFD scholarship account winners Donate to UA through Pick.Click.Give. New digital displays in Butrovich