Feb. 2, 2017: How should Anchorage respond to challenging needs of those abusing alcohol/drugs?
by Michelle Saport |
Thursday, Feb. 2, 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. UAA/APU Consortium Library, Room 307
Join at the next Think Tank to discuss the following questions: How should Anchorage respond to the challenging needs of those abusing alcohol/drugs? How can health care professionals best advocate for care for this population?
Learn more about this month's event: "Addiction, homelessness focus of UAA Think Tank talk."
Think Tanks are a monthly community engagement 花季传媒 in which a nonprofit agency presents a challenge or issue and attendees brainstorm solutions for the organization. Students, faculty, staff and community members-join us to assist this organization and contribute your thoughts and ideas to the discussion!
Pizza is provided by Moose's Tooth.
This Think Tank is co-hosted by the UAA School of Nursing and the Center for Community Engagement & Learning.
More event details are available on the Facebook event page: