UAA Staff Council updates for February
by Michelle Saport |
UAA Staff Council update: Feb. 7, 2019 Meeting
The Staff Council welcomed new member, Luis Chavez Jr. from CAFE.
Guest Speakers: President Jim Johnsen
President Johnsen went over various numbers regarding the budget for the next fiscal year including State allocations, tuition, and designated funds. He cautioned for a significant cut but said, regardless UA is pushing for fair compensation and benefits. Each university, program, community campus will be looked at for a contingency plan. People and programs may move across the system.
Other items discussed with President Johnsen: Strategic Pathways. Common calendar, GERs, etc. Study regarding institutional accreditation. Gateway for future Alaska. Share Phase 1 with BOR at their next meeting. Streamline transfer process for students but also across the State of Alaska. Process improvement. Identify policy and processes that can be streamlined for efficiency.
Other items discussed
- Staff Council Mentorship Program: Tamika Dowdy is looking for feedback regarding this and a draft will be reviews by all council members.
- UA Proposed Alcohol & Marijuana Regulations: This is currently in review and more information will be given as it is received.
- Staff Recognition Committee: A call for nominations went out Jan. 23 via email and the Green & Gold. The committee will rank them accordingly and award the January winner the week of Feb. 11.
- Staff Morale Survey
More about UAA Staff Council Meetings
Copies of meeting agendas and reports are always available on the UAA Staff Council website.
Next Staff Council meeting: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 9:30-11:30 a.m., UAA/APU Consortium Library, Room 302A.