Chancellor update on furloughs

by Cathy Sandeen, UAA Chancellor  |   

Dear UAA Community,

This time of year we celebrate commencement and the achievements of our students and faculty. We also mark the end of another academic year and begin to anticipate the next. Fiscal year ’20 has been like no other, and fiscal year ’21 is sure to also be unique with some significant challenges.

Yesterday, President Johnsen announced furloughs for executives and senior administrators. I support this action. It is appropriate for leadership to be among the first impacted by budget cuts. We are also cognizant our budget reductions have only been exacerbated by the impacts of COVID-19. At UAA, the number of affected employees in the executive and senior administrator categories total 60. The savings achieved by this action are not insignificant; however, we still need to do more.

Furloughs for other faculty and staff across the University of Alaska system are under discussion and may be implemented at some point. Those furloughs, if implemented, would not exceed the level of executives/senior administrators' and the action requires a 60-day notice per the updated policy.

Additionally, we are moving forward with the recommended FY21 administrative reductions. On March 23, I forwarded my decisions to President Johnsen so he understood our planned reductions in administrative areas for FY21. Though the academic reductions require Board of Regents approval, the administrative reductions are my decision, and we now must move forward. Vice Chancellor Shuford has communicated with supervisors to provide the necessary support for these required actions.

As chancellor of UAA, I cherish this welcoming, inclusive community of ambitious scholars. Commencement is the culmination of hard work and achievement. I hope you will join me this weekend in reflecting on another amazing academic year, and celebrating our graduates virtually through the launch of our graduation celebration website on Sunday.

The new year ahead presents challenges but also new opportunities. Please join me in looking forward with hope and ambition to make UAA the very best it can be.

Thank you for all you do every day to make this an amazing place to live, work and learn.

Cathy Sandeen
UAA Chancellor

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