Institutional Information
The following information is commonly requested from sponsoring agencies or organizations and must be included in your application submission.
Application Address:
3211 Providence Dr.
Anchorage, AK 99508-4614
*Do not use the address of the PI, the school, institute or department.* This address references the UAA Office of Sponsored Programs, where the award should be sent.
Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) :
Aaron D. Dotson, PhD, PE
Vice Chancellor for Research
3211 Providence Dr.
Anchorage, AK 99508-4614
Phone: 907.786.1569
Fax: 907.786.1791
By approving and signing a proposal submission, the AOR certifies that the University
can administer and monitor a grant in compliance with federal regulations specific
to educational institutions.
A proposal submitted to a sponsor without approval from the AOR may be withdrawn by
the University if it fails to meet the standards outlined in the Proposal Review Policy.
Contracting Official:
Aaron D. Dotson, PhD, PE
Vice Chancellor for Research
3211 Providence Dr.
Anchorage, AK 99508-4614
Phone: 907.786.1569
Fax: 907.786.1791
Employer Identification Number(EIN): 92-6000147
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): Use EIN Number
CAGE Number: ONVY4
Alaska Business License Number: 104849
Congressional District: AK-001
Title IV Code or FICE Institution Code: 011462
State Executive Order 12372 (State Single Point of Contact / Intergovernmental Review):
The State of Alaska does not participate in the intergovernmental review process
and does not have a State Single Point of Contact (SPOC).
Type of Applicant: State-Controlled Institution of Higher Education
Federal Cognizant Agency:
Office of Naval Research
Indirect Cost Division
875 North Randolph Street
Arlington, VA 22203-1995
Contact: Sharon Gales
Phone: 703.696.8559
Cognizant Field Audit Office:
Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)
Federal Building, U.S. Courthouse
222 W 7th Ave, Mail Stop 71
Anchorage, AK 99513-7552
Tax Status:
The University of Alaska is a tax-exempt organization under Section 115 of the Internal
Revenue Code, which provides for the exclusion of income for instrumentalities of
a state or municipal government. It is a designation assigned to public institutions.
Contributions to educational institutions, such as the University of Alaska, are tax-deductible
by donors for federal income tax if made exclusively for public purposes as provided
for in Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Occasionally, even with the determination letter from the IRS, sponsors may feel more
comfortable giving to the . Contributions from private donors should be directed to UAA's University Advancement/
Development Office at 907.786.4847.
Animal Subjects (IACUC):
Animal Welfare Assurance Number (OLAW): D16-00416 (A3710-01)
USDA Animal Welfare Act Certificate Number: 96-R-0006
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) reviews and approves proposed
research projects involving the use of live animals. The approval must be made prior
to award. Refer to the IACUC website for more information.
Human Subjects (IRB):
UAA Federal Wide Assurance: FWA00000184
UAA Institutional IRB Registration Number: IRB00001046
UAA IRB Organization Number: 1ORG0000699
The IRB reviews/approves proposed research projects involving the use of human subjects. The approval must be made prior to award. Refer to the IRB website for more information.