Participating in the Hooding Ceremony

Before the Ceremony

  • 1. Apply for Graduation

    1. Apply for Graduation

    An application for graduation must be submitted prior to walking in the commencement and hooding ceremonies. For steps to applying for graduation, visit Graduation & Degree Services. For additional steps required for participating in the hooding ceremony, visit the Graduation and Beyond section of the Graduate School website.

  • 2. RSVP for the Hooding Ceremony

    2. RSVP for the Hooding Ceremony

    Once an application for graduation is submitted, you will need to RSVP for the hooding ceremony by April 25. This is an important step to ensure seats are available for all advanced degree candidates and your advisor is at the ceremony to hood you.

  • 3. Purchase Regalia

    3. Purchase Regalia

    Cap, gown and tassel are required to participate in commencement. A hood is also required for master's degree candidates participating in the hooding and commencement ceremonies. This regalia is available for purchase from the .

    Guest tickets are not required for the hooding ceremony.   

Day of Ceremony

  • 4. Attend registration

    4. Attend registration

    Graduates should arrive in the lobby of the Professional Studies Building (PSB) at 1 p.m. for registration. Here you will pick up your "reader card" which you will hand to the person who will read your name as you enter the stage to receive your hood. You will also receive a room assignment to prepare for the ceremony with other candidates from your college.

    Registration is for degree candidates only. Doors to the auditorium will open for family and friends at 1:30 p.m.

  • 5. Processional

    5. Processional

    At 1:45 p.m. volunteers will begin to line up each college for the processional. Degree candidates will be led into the Wendy Williamson Auditorium by an alumni volunteer and seated in the first rows of the auditorium. You do not need to line up in alphabetical order. 

  • 6. Ceremony and Stage Procedure

    6. Ceremony and Stage Procedure

    After introductions, the chancellor, provost, graduate dean and student speaker addresses, candidates will participate in the ceremonial hooding. Doctoral degree candidates are seated on stage and will be hooded first by their college dean and advisor. Following the hooding of the doctoral degree candidates, the dean of each college will ask you to rise and proceed to the stage for hooding.

    • Make sure your hood is in the proper position on your left arm, with the velvet on your hand and the large part of the hood closest to your body.
    • Before you enter the stage, hand the reader your card. When the reader calls your name, enter the stage, extend your LEFT arm to your advisor to take your hood, and stand on the green UAA rug on the floor, facing the audience. Your college dean will be on your LEFT, your advisor on your RIGHT.
    • Your dean and advisor will then place the hood over your head. If you are taller than your dean and advisor, please bend at the knees, keeping your back straight and vertical, to facilitate your hooding.
    • Once hooded, shake the hand of your dean and advisor.
    • Proceed stage left, shake hands with the chancellor, then return to your seat in the auditorium.
  • 7. Recessional

    7. Recessional

    Once every candidate has been hooded, the graduate school dean will close the ceremony and volunteers will lead you out of the auditorium and through the faculty honor aisle. 

    • The stage party leaves the stage first. 
    • Faculty leave second.
    • Graduates will then file out through the honor aisle to the exit doors leading toward the lobby. 
    • Try to keep things moving as there are many people trying to leave the auditorium at once. 
    • The audience will leave last and you can meet them in the lobby for the reception.  


Additional Information

  • Doors to the auditorium will open for guests at 1:30 p.m.   
  • Tickets are not required for guests attending the hooding ceremony.
  • A locked room for coats will be provided for any personal items you'd like to leave backstage during the ceremony.
  • If you have purchased or been awarded a cord, medallion or sash from an honor society related to your field, do not wear it to the hooding ceremony. The focus of this ceremony is the graduate hood and cords can detract from the placement of the hood. These items may be worn at the commencement ceremony only.
  • Decorated caps are not permitted at the hooding ceremony.
  • Please arrange for family or friends to care for children or infants in the audience during the ceremony as they will not be permitted to accompany you during the processional and ceremony for safety and logistical reasons.