GRE Exam
The UAA Testing Center offers the computer-based GRE General test and the paper-pencil GRE subject test. When a graduate program asks for GRE scores they usually mean the GRE General test only. If a school or program requires a specific subject test (i.e. Physics) they will state that in their admissions requirement. More information on .
GRE General Exam
Cost $220.00
UAA/APU Consortium Library, 3211 Providence Drive, North Entrance, Room 215, Anchorage, AK 99508
Bring: Current Government Issued ID such as: State Driver's License, Passport or Military Identification (A UAA Student ID is not sufficient). Examinees who are testing outside of their country of citizenship must present their passport.
Scores: Examinees will be able to view the unofficial verbal and quantitative scores immediately upon test completion. Official test scores are available approximately 10 - 15 days after the exam. Candidates will need to log into their GRE account to view the scores. A paper copy is mailed approximately 15 days after the test to the school or college per the student's request.
A one-time GRE fee reduction waiver is available to qualifying candidates. The waiver reduces the GRE fee by 50 percent. To be eligible examinees must be registered for and receiving financial aid through an undergraduate program. Please note: income contribution limits will apply.