You will utilize your UA username and password for access to almost all online services provided by UAA and UA. These include, but are not limited to email, wireless access, Blackboard, UAOnline and Qualtrics. To lookup your username or reset your password visit .
Manage your UA Credentials
To manage your UA credentials and set or reset your password, please visit and choose between Options 1 - 3 to proceed. New users who have never set their password should choose Option 3.
Username and Password
Your UA username gives you access to common tools like email, computers, online classes, and web conferences. You need to learn and memorize your UA username and password.
This is your student number or employee number.
Example: 39936138 - UA Username
This is your login name and default email address.
Example: John A. Doe is jadoe - Password
A secret word with complexity requirements used with your username. Your password will need to be changed every 400 days.
Example: SeaWolv3s - Email Address
An inbox where you receive official UAA emails.
Email and Contacts
Everyone at UAA gets an email account where you will receive official communications from the University. Everyone can choose email nicknames (up to 3). to a personal email address.
G Suite for Education @ UA
G Suite for Education provides cloud-based online collaboration tools from Google's suite of apps. These include Gmail, Google Drive, Calendar, Contacts, and many others.
Students: Instructors and staff will use your UA email to send you official information about your courses and registration. You will need to read your UA email frequently.
Employees: Will receive official memorandums and benefits information at their UA email. Employees are required to read their UA email on UA systems. For legal reasons, employees will not forward their email to personal accounts.
- - manage your UA account passwords
- - read your email, manage contacts, and schedule meetings online
- G Suite for Education - Read more about the features and services available.
Employees may access their legacy UAA Exchange email account through Outlook Web App (OWA).
- - manage your passwords
- - read your archived email online
Banner is an administrative software package for use in higher education and developed by Ellucian (formerly SunGard SCT). The University of Alaska uses Banner to maintain integrated data for finance, human resources, student, and financial aid systems. A few examples of University systems powered by Banner include UAOnline, DegreeWorks, and Travel & Expense Management. For Statewide Banner information visit the UA OIT Banner website.
Banner Access and Training
For Banner Access and Training information visit the below UAA websites.
- UAA Financial Services (Banner Navigation, Finance Querying, Purchasing, HR Querying)
- (Banner Student Information)