Current Class Schedule

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Summer 2025


  • A101 *Intro to Logic 3 Credits

    *Intro to Logic

    Develops formal and informal reasoning skills, introduces deductive logic via statement logic, analyzes arguments and introduces scientific and inductive reasoning, reviews common fallacies and methods for evaluating arguments.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats
    501 Deery III, Hugh June 26 - August 9 24
    502 Jamison, William May 19 - August 2 24
  • A201 *Intro to Philosophy 3 Credits

    *Intro to Philosophy

    Emphasizes problems of knowledge, reality, good and evil from a global philosophical perspective.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    501 TR 11:00AM - 1:00PM ADM 142 Jamison, William May 19 - August 2 24
    501 TR 11:00AM - 1:00PM DIST ONLINE Jamison, William May 19 - August 2 24

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A301 *Ethics 3 Credits


    Introduces major theories in metaethics, normative ethics and applied ethics, and the arguments of important moral philosophers from Euro-American and non-Euro-American traditions. Emphasizes critical reasoning, as well as evaluation and analysis of arguments. Includes the application of ethical theory to contemporary moral issues, such as distributive justice, environmental and animal issues, abortion, terrorism, and euthanasia.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats
    501 Anthony, Raymond May 19 - June 23 22
  • A302 Biomedical Ethics 3 Credits

    Biomedical Ethics

    Explores current bioethical issues affecting the delivery of health care services in Alaska and beyond. Explores theories of ethics and related principles as a basis for professional decision-making and public policy determination. Focuses on the process of ethical inquiry and its relevance for contemporary health practices, research and education.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats
    501 Anthony, Raymond May 19 - June 23 22
  • A305 *Professional Ethics 3 Credits

    *Professional Ethics

    Focuses on the duties of professionals to their clients and society, and examines the dilemmas that are created when these duties come in conflict with one another and with the duties of general morality. Uses case studies highlighting issues in engineering, information technology, law, medicine, journalism and other professions.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats
    501 Kelly Jr, Terrence May 19 - July 19 25
    502 Kelly Jr, Terrence May 19 - July 19 25

Spring 2025


  • A101 *Intro to Logic 3 Credits

    *Intro to Logic

    Develops formal and informal reasoning skills, introduces deductive logic via statement logic, analyzes arguments and introduces scientific and inductive reasoning, reviews common fallacies and methods for evaluating arguments.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    201 MW 10:00AM - 11:15AM ADM 148 Deery III, Hugh January 13 - May 3 4
    201 MW 10:00AM - 11:15AM DIST ONLINE Deery III, Hugh January 13 - May 3 4
    CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats
    202 Mouracade, John January 13 - May 3 4
    204 Mouracade, John January 13 - May 3 3
  • A201 *Intro to Philosophy 3 Credits

    *Intro to Philosophy

    Emphasizes problems of knowledge, reality, good and evil from a global philosophical perspective.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    002 TR 10:00AM - 11:15AM ADM 145 Jamison, William January 13 - May 3 3
    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    201 MW 11:30AM - 12:45AM ADM 148 Deery III, Hugh January 13 - May 3 6
    201 MW 11:30AM - 12:45AM DIST ONLINE Deery III, Hugh January 13 - May 3 6

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A212 *Early Modern Philosophy 3 Credits

    *Early Modern Philosophy

    Surveys philosophy from the Scientific Revolution through German Idealism (Modern Period). Traces the development of scientific, metaphysical, epistemological and ethical thought with emphasis on historical texts.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    001 MW 1:00PM - 2:15PM ADM 148 Deery III, Hugh January 13 - May 3 1

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A301 *Ethics 3 Credits


    Introduces major theories in metaethics, normative ethics and applied ethics, and the arguments of important moral philosophers from Euro-American and non-Euro-American traditions. Emphasizes critical reasoning, as well as evaluation and analysis of arguments. Includes the application of ethical theory to contemporary moral issues, such as distributive justice, environmental and animal issues, abortion, terrorism, and euthanasia.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    001 TR 1:00PM - 2:15PM ADM 148 Kelly Jr, Terrence January 13 - May 3 6
    CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats
    201 Anthony, Raymond January 13 - May 3 2
  • A302 Biomedical Ethics 3 Credits

    Biomedical Ethics

    Explores current bioethical issues affecting the delivery of health care services in Alaska and beyond. Explores theories of ethics and related principles as a basis for professional decision-making and public policy determination. Focuses on the process of ethical inquiry and its relevance for contemporary health practices, research and education.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    001 MW 2:30PM - 3:45PM ADM 145 Bauer, Stephanie January 13 - May 3 10
    CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats
    201 Potter, Joel January 13 - May 3 1
    204 Potter, Joel January 13 - May 3 1
  • A303 Environmental Ethics 3 Credits

    Environmental Ethics

    Critically examines central philosophical questions regarding human attitudes toward the environment, including non-human animals. Explores the ideas of nature in philosophy and the moral basis to preserve and protect environmental systems. Examines arguments and philosophical perspectives regarding the moral status of animals and concerns such as species extinction and wilderness management, anthropogenic climate change, sustainability, effects of environmental harms to people, deforestation, obligations to future generations, indigenous ecological philosophies, agricultural land development and use, food security and policy, contemporary technological interventions applied to nature, and human overpopulation. Considers local and global policy frameworks and institutions best suited to address these concerns. Registration Restrictions: Junior or senior standing

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    001 T 5:30PM - 8:15PM ADM 102 Anthony, Raymond January 13 - May 3 14

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A305 *Professional Ethics 3 Credits

    *Professional Ethics

    Focuses on the duties of professionals to their clients and society, and examines the dilemmas that are created when these duties come in conflict with one another and with the duties of general morality. Uses case studies highlighting issues in engineering, information technology, law, medicine, journalism and other professions.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    001 TR 11:30AM - 12:45AM ADM 148 Kelly Jr, Terrence January 13 - May 3 3
    002 MW 11:30AM - 12:45AM ADM 145 Bauer, Stephanie January 13 - May 3 1
    CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats
    201 Kelly Jr, Terrence January 13 - May 3 -2
  • A309 Mind and Machines 3 Credits

    Mind and Machines

    Focuses on central philosophical questions about the mind, such as the nature of consciousness, mental causation, the location of perceptual qualities like color in the mind or the world, personal identity, and the mind/body problem. Examines the mind's intimate connection with contemporary psychology, biology, neuro- and cognitive sciences, and what these insights imply for human freedom. Includes topics in science and technology studies related to the agency of persons and of artificial beings, such as cognitive abilities of robots or computers, and the moral rights of artificial intelligent beings. Registration Restrictions: Junior standing recommended.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats
    201 Mouracade, John January 13 - May 3 18
    201 Mouracade, John January 13 - May 3 18
  • A490A *Ethics, Community & Society 3 Credits

    *Ethics, Community & Society

    Integrates study of a selected topic on a global ethical issue and the interests and responsibilities of individuals, communities and societies. Topics may vary from semester to semester. Special Note: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits with instructor approval. Registration Restrictions: Completion of GER Tier 1 (basic college-level skills) courses and junior standing (at least 60 credit hours)

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    001 T 1:00PM - 3:45PM ADM 283 Anthony, Raymond January 13 - May 3 8

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A498 Senior Research Project 3 Credits

    Senior Research Project

    Senior-level course in which the student will engage in independent research on a topic of his or her choosing under the supervision of a faculty member. The course culminates with the completion of a research paper of significant length prepared to publication standards. Registration Restrictions: Senior standing, 9 credits of philosophy in addition to the prerequisites, and faculty permission.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    001 - ARR ARR Bauer, Stephanie January 13 - May 3 4

    No Distance Learning courses available.