Aaron D Dotson

Vice Chancellor for Research and Professor,
Civil Engineering
BOC3 Room 374/EIB 301Q
Phone: 907-786-6041


Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering, Arizona State University, August 2008
 Civil & Environmental Engineering, Arizona State University, May 2005
 Civil Engineering, University of Arizona, May 2003

Teaching Responsibilities

  • CE A447/647 Advanced Unit Processes
  • CE A441/641 Fundamentals of Env. Engineering and Applied Env. Science
  • CE A445/645 Chemical & Physical Water & Wastewater Treatment Processes
  • AEST A601 Aquatic Process Chemistry
  • ES A341 and ES A341L Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

Professional & Department Service


  • Civil Engineering Curriculum Committee, Spring 2011-present
  • Civil Engineering Graduate Committee (Chair), Fall 2012-present
  • Civil Engineering Scholarship Committee, Spring 2011-Fall 2012
  • University of Alaska Research Council, Spring 2012-present
  • University of Alaska Chemical Safety Committee, Spring 2012-present
  • Technical Council for Cold Regions Engineering, Spring 2012-present
  • AWWA Organic Contaminant Research Committee, Fall 2011-present
  • School of Engineering Seminar Series (Organizer), Spring 2011-present
  • Adhoc New Engineering Building Committee (Civil Engineering), Fall 2011
  • Alaska Water and Wastewater Steering Committee, Fall 2011-Spring 2012

Advisory and Review

  • Board Member, Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility, January 2013-present
  • NSF, ArcSEES Adhoc Reviewer, December 2012
  • NSF, Unsolicited Reviewer, Environmental Engineering, May 2011, 2012
  • WaterRF, Project Advisory Committee, 4406, Fall 2011-present

Journal Peer Reviewer

  • Environment Science and Technology
  • Chemical Reviews
  • Chemosphere
  • Journal of American Water Works Association
  • Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE)
  • Journal of Hazardous Materials

Research Interests

Occurrence and characterization of dissolved organic matter, disinfection by-products, innovative application of unit processes, process sequences and novel sensors 


Journal Publications 

  1. Keen, O.S., Dotson, A.D., Linden, K.G., Evaluation of Hydrogen Peroxide Chemical-Quenching AgentsFollowing an Advanced Oxidation Process. Journal of Environmental Engineering. in press. (2012)
  2. Krasner, S.W., Mitch, W.A., Westerhoff, P.W., Dotson, A., Formation and control of emerging C- and NDBPs in drinking water. Journal of American Water Works Association. 104(11), E582-E595 (2012)
  3. Lyon, B.A., Dotson, A.D., Linden, K.G., Weinburg, H.S. The effect of inorganic precursors ondisinfection byproduct formation during UV-chlorine/chloramine drinking water treatment. WaterResearch. 46(15), 4653-4664 (2012)
  4. Dotson, A., Westerhoff, P., Character and Treatment of Organic Colloids in Impacted Drinking WaterSources. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 138(4), 383-401 (2012)
  5. Dotson, A., Rodriguez, C., & Linden, K., UV Disinfection Implementation Status in US Drinking WaterPlants. Journal of American Water Works Association. 104(5) (2012)
  6. Metz, D.H., Meyer, M., Dotson, A., Beerendonk, E., and Dionysiou, D.D., The Effect of UV/H2O2Treatment on Disinfection Byproduct Formation Potential under Simulated Distribution System Conditions. Water Research, 45(13) 3969-3980 (2011)
  7. Shah, A.D., Dotson, A.D., Linden, K.G., and Mitch, W.A., Impact of UV Disinfection Combined with Chlorination/Chloramination on the Formation of Halonitromethanes and HAloacetonitriles in DrinkingWater, Environmental Science & Technology, 45:8:3657-3664 (2011)
  8. Dotson, A., Keen, V., Metz, D. and Linden, K.G., UV/H2O2 treatment of drinking water increases postchlorinationDBP formation, Water Research, 44. 3703-3713 (2010) 
  9. Dotson, A. and Westerhoff, P., Occurrence and Treatment of Amino Acids During Drinking WaterTreatment, Journal of American Water Works Association, 101:9:101-115 (2009)
  10. Dotson, A., Westerhoff, P., and Krasner, S., Nitrogen Enriched DOM Isolates and their Affinity to FormEmerging DBPs, Water Science and Technology, 60:1:135-143 (2009)
  11. Mitch, W., Kemper, J., Westerhoff, P., and Dotson, A. Nitrosamine, Dimethylnitramine, and Chloropicrin Formation during Strong Base Anion-Exchange Treatment. Environmental Science &Technology, 43:2:466-472 (2009)
  12. Leenheer, J., Dotson, A., and Westerhoff, P., Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Fractionation, Annals ofEnvironmental Science, 1:45-56 (2007)

Planned Journal Submissions for 2013

  1. Barstow, C., Dotson, A., Linden, K. Point of Use Ultraviolt Disinfection for Safe Water in UrbanDeveloping Communities. To be submitted to Journal of Water and Health 
  2. Rodriguez, C., Dotson, A., Removal of Copper by Membrane Bioreactor in Cold Dilute Wastewater. Tobe submitted to Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
  3. Clark, C., Dotson, A., Critical Flux Determination of Pollock Stickwater by Ceramic Membrane. To besubmitted to Journal of Membrane Science. 
  4. Dotson, A., Corwin, C., Summers, R.S., Linden. K., Sorption and Stability of GAC after UV/H2O2. To besubmitted to Journal of Environmental Engineering.
  5. Dotson, A., Krasner, S., Westerhoff, P., Source Tracking Nitrogen During Formation of NitrogenousDisinfection Byproducts. To be submitted to Water Research.

Book Chapters

  1. Dotson, A., Linden, K., and Cooper, W. Inorganic and Organic Byproducts of Ultraviolet Oxidation,Ozonation, and Advanced Oxidation Processes, in press for an AwwaRF/CIRSEE book titled OrganicByproducts of Potential Health Concern Produced During Drinking Water Treatment 
  2. Dotson, A., Westerhoff, P., Chen, B., and Lee, W., "Organic Nitrogen Occurrence and Characterization."in Occurrence, Formation, Health Effects and Control of Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water.ACS Publication, August 2008

Research Reports 

  1. Linden, K. and Dotson, A. UV-Based Advanced Oxidation Treatment of Pre- and Post-GAC ContactedWater. Water Research Foundation Report, July 2012
  2. Linden, K., Dotson, A., Weinberg, H., Lyon, B., Mitch, W., and Shah, A. Impact of UV Location and Sequence on Byproduct Formation. Water Research Foundation Report, June 2012
  3. Mitch, W., Krasner, S., Westerhoff, P., and Dotson, A. Occurrence and Formation of NitrogenousDisinfection By-Products. Water Research Foundation Report, 2009
  4. Ela, P., Saez, A.E., Kommineni, S., and Dotson, A. Innovative Technologies for Arsenic ResidualsStabilization. AwwaRF Report, 2006

Career History/Work Experience

  • Assistant Professor, 花季传媒, Spring 2010-present
    • Environmental Engineering Laboratory Director, Spring 2012-present
  • Affiliate Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Spring 2012-present
  • Affiliate Professor, 花季传媒, Fall 2010
  • Research Associate & Lecturer, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2008-2010