Alaska Statewide Survey on Long COVID

by Jennifer Meyer  |   

In February 2022, a team at UAA led by Dr. Jennifer Meyer deployed a statewide survey to assess respondents' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to COVID-19 prevention strategies and specifically .

A man experiencing chest pain as a result of long COVID.

A total of 811 eligible participants responded. Among these respondents, about one-third reported a lab-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, with 31% reporting long-term health effects. 

The majority of survey respondents were quite knowledgeable about COVID-19, indicating they knew the COVID-19 vaccine is recommended even if you are young, have already had COVID-19, and if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. They also reported that masking is an effective intervention that they use, as well as staying up to date with vaccination recommendations. 76% of persons had already been boosted or were planning to get boosted once they were eligible. 


Data collection ongoing 

Data collection is ongoing for three language groups. Please share these links among your networks.


A UAA team of researchers deployed a statewide survey to assess respondents' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to COVID-19 prevention strategies and specifically Long Covid.
A UAA team of researchers deployed a statewide survey to assess respondents' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to COVID-19 prevention strategies and specifically Long Covid. (Infographic by Rebecca Van Wyck/Division of Population Health Sciences Research Associate)