Instructional Designers

Instructional Designers (IDs) at UAA and its community campuses collaborate both informally and through the Instructional Designers Alliance. The ID Alliance works to improve eLearning guidance and practice at UAA, coordinate resources and professional development offerings, advocate for recognition of faculty development and excellence in online and technology-enhanced teaching, and expand and promote our services to UAA faculty.

- UAA Instructional Designers Alliance


UAA Instructional Designers and Instructional Technology Specialists

  • Jenna Creech, Faculty Success

    Jenna Creech

    Instructional Media Studio Coordinator, Faculty Success
    907-786-4850 • 

    Focus area: media production, accessibility, supporting instructors on all UAA campuses

  • Don Bickley, PWSC

    Don Bickley

    Instructional Design and Technology Specialist, Prince William Sound College Instructional Design and Technology 

    Focus areas: interactive digital media development, accessibility, learning management system administration, unmanned aerial systems instruction, IT support

  • Andria Cross, Faculty Success

    Andria Cross

    Instructional Designer, Faculty Success
    907-786-4933 •

    Focus area: course design, supporting instructors on all UAA campuses

  • Kim Frost, KPC

    Kim Frost

    Educational Technology Team Lead, Instructional Designer, Kenai Peninsula College 
    907-235-1621 •

    Focus areas: instructional technology, Universal Design, student engagement in online learning environments

  • Ray Garcelon, Faculty Success

    Ray Garcelon

    Instructional Designer, Faculty Success 

    Focus areas: course design, academic technologies, supporting instructors on all UAA campuses

  • Micah Muer, Mat-Su College

    Micah Muer

    Associate Professor of Library Science/ Information Literacy and Instructional Technology Librarian, Mat-Su College 

    Focus areas: libraries, information literacy, research

Instructional Designers work with subject matter experts to design and develop learning »¨¼¾´«Ã½s that prepare students to meet learning outcomes. We work closely with faculty to 
implement inclusive teaching practices such as Universal Design for Learning and accessibility, engage students in online and lecture courses, and choose instructional technology tools that help meet instructional goals. Instructional Designers also evaluate campus needs for technology and training resources, provide resources for continuous improvement of course quality, and help UAA keep up with emerging practices and national standards.

Instructional Designers across the University of Alaska have communicated and collaborated for many years. Although UAA, UAF, and UAS provide instructional design support through different organizational structures and processes, our goals and interests coincide. 

In 2011, UAA Instructional Designers (and others with interest and »¨¼¾´«Ã½ in instructional design) organized into the Instructional Designers Alliance. The ID Alliance has met regularly for ten years and grown in number and representation. The current ID Alliance has 20 members representing UAA and its community campuses, along with and liaisons from . In our monthly meetings we work together on identified goals and share teaching resources, accessibility practices, new technology/features, news from university committees we are members of, professional development opportunities, and more.

To join the Instructional Designers Alliance, please email We welcome new members working in instructional technology and faculty support. 

Faculty Success
Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence, Instructional Design, and Center for Community Engagement & Learning 
Library 213 â€¢ 907-786-4496 â€¢ • Monday â€“ Friday, 8 a.m. –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;5 p.m.