Instructional Design Appointments

Do you need help with course design, using learning technologies to meet course goals, accessibility, online teaching, Honorlock, or Blackboard? Sign up for an appointment with an Instructional Designer! Use the appointment's Zoom link to join at the scheduled time or put your phone number in the appointment description if you would prefer to talk by phone. For assistance outside the available appointment times, please email to discuss your options.


If you need further assistance with Blackboard functions (including course copies, developmental shells, editing and publishing courses, and troubleshooting) or other UAA core tools, please contact IT Services. Kenai Peninsula College instructors should start with the . You can also check for campus and college-specific assistance on the UAA Instructional Designers page. For assistance in other areas, visit the Faculty Success About page to see which department to contact, or email if you are not sure. 

Faculty Success 
Library 213 â€¢ 907-786-4496 â€¢ • Monday â€“ Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.