Selecting Course Materials
Course materials are one of the main ways instructors provide content for students. Although we sometimes refer to the whole category as textbooks, UAA course materials include articles, community resources, websites, maps, visual materials, videos, simulations, homework programs, software, podcasts, event recordings, and more.
For best results, include a variety of materials in your course that directly support the learning outcomes. When possible, give students a choice of how to learn a topic.
Keeping in mind UAA's commitment to putting students first, your course materials should either be free or low-cost as much as possible. Resources on finding materials can be found below.
Textbooks and Other Required Purchases
Textbook adoptions are due the semester before the course is taught so students can see costs when they register. Please check UAA’s online bookstore for information on this process. Log in to the Faculty Resources and Training section from that site. The UAA Employee Intranet has additional information and due dates on the page (login required).
We encourage Anchorage campus faculty to submit their textbooks adoptions every semester, even if there are no required books for the course, so that students have accurate information. We recommend selecting course content that is fully accessible, including books that have an accessible electronic version.
Sales reps may contact you regarding academic technologies or say that their platform
integrates with Blackboard. UAA has a review process (bottom of that page) to ensure publisher tools are accessible and work with our Blackboard
version, so please review this policy before selecting a solution. In some cases,
UAA already has a tool available that has no additional costs for your students. Adopting
tools through the bookstore can also clarify any hidden costs.
Finding and Evaluating Possible Materials
Our interactive module walks you through finding a wide variety of course materials, estimating the student workload, and developing your own content.
The is a great place to look for shorter materials to incorporate into your courses. Your can help you find materials, as well as providing instruction for classes and research help for students, staff, and faculty. While the library does not purchase copies of course textbooks due to cost, some electronic texts (e.g., newspaper and journal articles, as well as many full books) can be used across courses. The library’s guide to explains how to put library content into your UAA Blackboard course.
The initiative can help you find (OER) and other no-cost course materials. Check out the ' projects for inspiration and no-cost resources already in use at UAA! The can help faculty learn more about OER and Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) materials, and
faculty who complete the program may be eligible for an award!
Faculty Success
Library 213 • 907-786-4496 • • Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;5 p.m.