Seawolf Shuttle
UAA Seawolf Shuttle Updated Schedule
Beginning November 25, 2024 the Seawolf Shuttle will return to routine hours Monday-Thursday from 7:45AM to 10PM.
The Seawolf Shuttle route consists of two 11-person shuttle vans (ADA accessible with a wheelchair lift).
Updates and additional information will be posted on the Seawolf Shuttle and pages!
Route Information
Service is offered Monday through Thursday 7:45am - 10:00pm during the Fall and Spring semesters!
Note: The shuttle does not operate when campus is closed or during intersession breaks. Keep an eye on our social media for updates: follow us on and !
Operating on a continuous loop:
Rasmuson Hall
Engineering & Industry Building
Social Sciences Building/Consortium Library
Fine Arts Building
(And back to Commons!)
Download the Buswhere Shuttle app or use the QR code. Follow your Seawolf Shuttle and track their ETA (estimated time of arrival)!
Login or enter code UAA to access the Seawolf Shuttle Map
Call UAA Parking Services at (907) 786-1119 or email
Follow the Seawolf Shuttle on and for updates!