Student Conduct Records

The Dean of Students Office (DOSO) maintains student conduct records. A typical student conduct record contains documents related to the initial incident report, correspondence between the investigating student conduct administrator and involved parties, allegation and findings letters issued to the student, interview summaries, evidence collected throughout the student conduct process, outcome letters sent to appropriate faculty and/or staff with an educational need to know, and copies of completed sanctioning assignments (i.e., reflective essays, written apologies, etc.).

Records Retention

All student conduct records are maintained in an electronic format in an online student conduct database. UAA also maintains printed copies of student conduct records if 1) a student has been assigned major sanctions as a result of the student conduct process or 2) a disciplinary record has been the subject of litigation or a complaint against the University.  

Disciplinary records for students or organizations will be destroyed seven years from the date of the most recent incident within the disciplinary record.  However, UAA retains disciplinary records for 50 years from the date of the most recent incident if 1) a student has been assigned major sanctions as a result of the student conduct process or 2) a disciplinary record has been the subject of litigation or a complaint against the University.  

Deletion is the method of destruction for electronic files. Shredding is the method of destruction for paper records.  

Any holds remaining in place on a student鈥檚 account for incomplete minor sanctions will be lifted seven years from the date of the last student disciplinary action.  Holds will not be lifted from a student鈥檚 account if a student has been 1) expelled or 2) suspended from UAA and re-enrollment is contingent upon completing the sanctions.

Access to Student Records

While all students hold the right to view the student conduct records as they pertain to them, students may also make requests to receive a copy (in either electronic or paper form) of those records as well. In either situation, students are required to submit a written request and the DOSO maintains the authority to decide which portions of the student conduct record must only be viewed in office and which portions, if any, may be released for viewing outside of the DOSO. Additionally, in both situations, there may be information within a record that is not eligible for student view, regardless of how and where the student views that information. While the DOSO maintains the authority to decide the disclosure of this information, these situations typically arise in areas firmly defined by FERPA (i.e., personal or unrelated information about other students within a record) or in areas related to intellectual or proprietary information (i.e., an exam or lab manual). In both types of instances, the DOSO redacts the protected information and/or allows only an in-office viewing of that portion of the record.

Good Disciplinary Standing

UAA considers a student to be in good disciplinary standing if the student is not currently on disciplinary probation or serving a suspension, has never been expelled or had their degree revoked. 

Disclosure of Student Records

If the DOSO receives a request for information regarding a student鈥檚 disciplinary record, the disclosure is limited to incidents where a student received disciplinary probation, was suspended or expelled, or had their degree revoked. 

Five years after an incident or in a student鈥檚 final semester before graduation, students may request that the DOSO not disclose their student conduct history to a third party. To request this, students would need to submit a written request to the Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Student Conduct & Ethical Development, who would then review the record, making a determination based upon 1) the student鈥檚 conduct history as a whole, 2) the length of time since the incident occurred, 3) the severity of the incident or incidents included in the record, 4) whether or not the student completed all of the sanctions assigned to them in a timely manner, and 5) the reasoning given by the student in their request.

If the student鈥檚 request is granted, a note would be placed in the electronic file that indicates that that student鈥檚 record is not to be disclosed unless it is explicitly stated by law that the DOSO needs to provide the information. In general, incidents that will most likely not be eligible for this policy are as follows:

  • Assault/causing personal injury;
  • Hazing;
  • Significant property damage;
  • Providing alcohol to minors;
  • Distribution of drugs;
  • Violations of the weapons policy;
  • Sexual misconduct;
  • Discrimination or harassment;
  • Criminal behavior; and
  • Incidents that lead to suspension, expulsion, or revocation of degree.

The DOSO makes reasonable efforts to notify the student in advance of a release of information from a student disciplinary record unless a subpoena expressly restricts the DOSO from doing so. A reasonable effort includes a phone call and, if needed, a follow-up email. If the student does not respond to either attempt at communication, a notice is sent to the student using certified mail.

Approved September 4, 2020