Testing accommodations are approved on an individual basis. Students seeking testing accommodations need to schedule an appointment with DSS staff and supply documentation to support their request. When a student requests a testing accommodation for a course, DSS generates a notification letter to the faculty of that course. DSS coordinates with the student and faculty to arrange the accommodation.

Test Anxiety is not considered a disability and DSS cannot provide testing accommodations based on testing anxiety alone. For students who 花季传媒 anxiety that has been diagnosed by a mental health professional there are additional accommodations that may be appropriate. Any student who is looking for more information should schedule an appointment to talk with DSS staff.

Types of Accommodations

Some of the accommodations that may be appropriate based on supporting documentation include:

  • Extended testing time
  • Reduced distraction environment
  • Alternate format testing material
  • Adaptive software Reader
  • Scribe or Reader

Student responsibilities using testing accommodations

Students are responsible for scheduling exams with DSS. DSS recommends coming in with the syllabus and scheduling all tests and exams at the start of the semester. If scheduling is done throughout the semester it is imperative that as much advance notification as possible be given.

DSS Policy requires at least 5 business days advance notice for scheduling all tests. DSS needs this time to coordinate with faculty and schedule rooms appropriately.  If the student is 20 minutes or more late, the test must be rescheduled to appropriately accommodate the student and their needs. 

There are lockers available for personal belongings during exams and all test rooms are under video surveillance.