304 - Gifts & Donations

Community Campus Delegation 304: Gifts and Donations


To specify the delegated authority for accepting gifts and donations.  


Administrative Services Policy Manual, Finance 202: Gifts and Donations


Real Property: Land, buildings, other capital improvements, and fixtures and major equipment items affixed thereto. Tangible Personal Property: Moveable equipment, vehicles, furniture, artwork, etc.


Delegation AuthorityThe Directors/President are delegated the authority to accept restricted and unrestricted gifts. Exceptions are gifts or donations of real estate or gifts or donations that subject the university to any continuing or substantial budgetary commitments beyond the current fiscal year. These exceptions require the approval of the University President.
Delegation CriteriaAdherence to the referenced policies and procedures with special attention to the following requirements:

  1. BOR Policy 05.14.01 requires that all gifts made to the university, unless expressly prohibited by the donor, shall be accepted, held, and managed by the University of Alaska Foundation. Exceptions include real property and gifts of tangible personal property that are to be used directly in the programs of the university.
  2. In conformance with BOR Policy and UAA Administrative Services Policy: Finance 202, all cash gifts must be routed through the Development Office supported by the appropriate documentation. The documentation may include letters, acknowledgments, memoranda, etc.

ApplicabilityAll community campuses have the delegation authority for accepting gifts expressed in this policy unless special limits or requirements are set by the Vice Chancellor for Administration.

Effective: 10/25/2005