501 - Grants & Contracts Administration
Community Campus Delegation 501: Grants & Contracts Administration
To set forth the delegated authority for the administration of Grants & Contracts.
Grants & Contracts Manual (in preparation)
Facilities and Administrative Costs: Indirect costs that are allocated to a sponsored project based on a negotiated rate.
Delegation Authority
Proposal/Award Approval The Directors/President have authority for the proposal and acceptance of grants and
contracts up to the delegated maximum of $50,000. The maximum authority applies on
a per grant basis. The authority cannot be redelegated. All grants exceeding the delegated
maximum require the approval of the Vice Provost for Research or designee.
The Directors/President may waive facilities and administrative costs at rates lower
than the University鈥檚 Negotiated Rates if the agency has a published restriction and
the amount of the proposal is $50,000 or less. All other grants containing a proposed
rate of less than the U of A negotiated rates, for either training or research, must
have prior approval of the Vice Provost for Research or designee. A must be used for this purpose.
Grant Budget Entry All restricted fund budget entry must be done by UAA Grants and Contracts. This includes
setting up the initial budget, and closing out remaining budget at the termination
of the grant.
Budget adjustments require review and approval of the Manager of Grants and Contracts.
Budget adjustment, grant code maintenance, and fund code maintenance forms must be
submitted to the Grants and Contracts office for entry in Banner Finance.
Delegation Criteria Adherence to policies, regulations, and requirements including the following:
- Existence of an internal process for assuring that grant proposals contain the necessary budget detail to comply with grantor and university requirements (an Internal Processing Form and Instructions are available at the OSP website).
- Internal Processing Forms must be prepared for all proposals whether approved at the Directors/President level or Anchorage Campus level (required so that the Office Sponsored Research can track all proposals in the Banner Proposal System).
- Existence of documentation corroborating the restricted fund classification in conformance with criteria listed in the . A process ensuring that the appropriate documentation is obtained.
- Existence of an appropriate contractual forms (Reimbursable Services Agreements are required for all grants from State of Alaska agencies).
- Existence of accounting controls on restricted fund budget authority (998000 funds) draw downs.
- Knowledge of and adherence to the referenced policies.
- Knowledge of the Banner system and grant close out requirements as they relate to restricted accounts.
- Implementation of internal budget check lists and reviews by appropriate staff.
Before a grant or contract is signed, the terms and conditions must be thoroughly
reviewed to assure that adverse legal and contractual obligations are not accepted
by the university. The framework for the grant or contract is usually established
in the proposal. It is important for the principal investigator, or grant proposal
writer, to consult with Grants and Contracts on the budget narrative and risk management
considerations. Cost sharing or matching (cash or in-kind) requirements are technical
matters that also require the review of the Grants and Contracts Office.
Applicability All community campuses have the limited delegation authority for grants and contracts
expressed in this policy unless special limits or requirements are set by the Vice
Chancellor for Administration.
Effective: 10/25/2005