Online Teaching
Dr. Jill Flanders-Crosby discussing online materials from her long-running oral history and archiving project.
Online and hybrid courses are more effective when designed with the delivery mode in mind. These UAA-focused guides can help you start planning your online or hybrid course to maximize student learning and engagement while maintaining a reasonable workload:
- (Google Doc)
- Course Design Trail Guide (interactive modules)
- (Blackboard, UA only): In 2020, UAA offered two #Pivot programs to help faculty transition to remote delivery. These programs are now available in a self-paced online workshop that any faculty member may enroll in and use to help with design, development, and delivery of an online course.
Instructional Strategies for Teaching Online
Getting Started
is UAA’s primary online space for courses. If you haven’t activated your Blackboard shell yet, watch the webinar (video, 20:10) or the (5 videos, 17:00). The videos go over Discussion Boards, Wikis/Blogs, Grade Center, and Alt Text. For more about Blackboard tools, visit our Blackboard Instructor Help page.
is UAA's ePortfolio tool. Instructional content may be embedded within various portfolio sections/pages serving as prompts for students to respond to via text, images, audio, etc. Get help with eWolf on the or reach out to our ePortfolio Initiative Coordinator Paul Wasko at 907-786-6035 or at
If this is your first time teaching online, keep it simple. For more on transitioning to alternate course delivery, watch CAFE’s (video, 44:42).
UAA faculty have a lot of tools available to them. The trick is to find the best tools to help students achieve the learning objectives. To assist faculty with the challenging task of , you can use the sheet for video creation tools, accessibility tools, engagement tools, web conferencing tools, and more.
Delivery Modes
Look up your course in the student-facing to check the delivery mode for your course. Online courses can be:
- In Person and Online: Combination of face to face and required online instruction; all students participate in both. This is sometimes described as a hybrid or blended course
- In Person or Online: Students have the option to participate in class sessions face to face or online. You should prepare to teach in both delivery modes simultaneously. This delivery mode is also sometimes described as hybrid or blended, so make sure you know which mode applies if your department uses those terms
- Online - No Set Time: Instruction occurs completely online with no mandatory set meeting time. This is also known as asynchronous. Please review the expectations and requirements for Regular and Substantive Interaction in these courses
- Online - Set Time: Instruction occurs completely online at a mandatory set time
If the Class Schedule lists meeting times, you are expected to hold class at those times. If your course is listed as Online - No Set Time, you cannot require students to attend class meetings. When designing an online course, budget 40-50 hours of time for each credit. The Rice/Wake Forest can help you evaluate the course time for asynchronous work. The has more information on expectations for contact hours.
Finding Materials
Textbook adoptions are due the semester before the course is taught so students can see costs when they register. Please check UAA’s online bookstore (via Akademos) for information on this process. If you teach for a community campus, work with your campus bookstore. Our Course Materials page has more information and resources.
Presentations for Online Delivery
Record short videos for students using Kaltura or Screencast-o-Matic. Our Creating Videos page explains your options and gives detailed directions. For more, review the recorded webinar (video, 22:28). Remember to submit your videos for captioning through AI&e using this form: .
Real-time Class Sessions
Web Conferencing tools such as Zoom allow real-time meetings with students online. Our Web Conferencing page provides guidance and instruction for setup, security, and more. Set up class meetings and office hours inside your Blackboard courses and use sparingly if any of your students have low bandwidth issues. Review this and (5 videos, 41:60).
Student Needs
Our walks you through the requirements and resources to make your courses accessible to all learners. The is based on the internationally accepted Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. (Navigate through the pages using the side-bar menu to learn how to make online content accessible to diverse learners.) Our Accessibility Overview page gives more information on this critical topic. Learn how to make digital course content accessible so that all learners have equal access to content at the same time on our Accessibility Tools page.
Accurate captions are required for all videos. UAA is currently offering 3Play captioning service free for UAA faculty. Submit your videos for professional captioning: .
To review ways to support and accommodate student learning during this challenging time, watch recorded webinar (video, 24:06).
Disability Support Services will also work with students with documented disabilities to offer appropriate accommodations that help ensure each student is the most successful they can be.
Communication with Students
Establish a schedule for regular communication using one of the tools UAA provides. Learn more about communication tools available at UAA.
Review the and webinar (video, 13:58) for communication strategies.
Student Engagement
There are a variety of ways to provide opportunities for students to engage with the content, with you, and with each other. Check out some of the UAA faculty ideas in . Our Peer Interaction page explains several technology options to make your courses more interactive.
Review the webinar (video, 21:55) for tips on asynchronous class discussions and student engagement.
Adapting Assessments
There is no one-size-fits-all solution. If you are adapting a face-to-face course to an online course, please review your assessments to decide what’s essential for measuring whether learning outcomes are met and what works better in a different format. Our walks you through the principles and design choices behind creating effective, meaningful student assessments. Visit our Assessment page for more resources.
Blackboard includes several tools for assessment. Honorlock is an online remote proctoring service that UAA uses to offer students a way to take online proctored exams at home with the proper equipment. Learn more about Honorlock on our Testing Resources page.
Further Resources
- , Quality Matters
- , Flower Darby | Chronicle of Higher Education
- , Sandra Annette Rogers
Faculty Success
Library 213 • 907-786-4496 • • Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;5 p.m.